Communication is huge in our world today. My communication skills have been reinforced and practiced all throughout my educational career, especially my writing. This was a main focus in my secondary school or high school to get myself ready for SAT and ACT tests, the college application process, college, and ultimately the real world. With so much focus on my writing I was able to grow to become a solid student and do well in school. Furthermore, it has allowed me to be in the position I am today as a student at Michigan State University.
Just as everyone does, I have weaknesses to my writing and I have strengths. One of the main weaknesses to my writing is that sometimes I lack variety. Due to this my writing may seem dull and boring and that is never desired. Overall, my word choice is not terrible, but it could most certainly be better. There are times in my writing where the lack of good word choice really brings down the quality and hinders what I am trying to demonstrate, describe, or convey. As far as strengths go, the number one strength to my writing is good details and support. This aspect of my writing really enhances the quality of my writing and makes it better to read and understand. Next, proper grammar is another strength of mine and because of this most of my writings are very easy to read and follow. Although I said word choice was one of my weaknesses, it is also one of my strengths. When my thoughts are flowing and I am in deep tune with my writing my word choice truly shines.
By sticking to these strengths in this blog, I hope to accurately portray what the daily life of an athletic trainer is like and what their job entails. If individuals will be able to get excited and interested in the field of athletic training by reading my blog I will be extremely satisfied. I also hope to show that athletic trainers are more than people who give you water, ice, and tape ankles. Athletic trainers are certified professionals, who must be on their toes and ready at all times for an injury to occur. Not enough people give athletic trainers credit for what they do, so I plan on given credit where credit is do.
I have played sports all my life and have come in contact with many athletic trainers. What they do for us athletes is truly special and I thought maybe that would be something that I would like to do. I mean you are around sports all the time and get to make a difference in athletes’ lives, what could better? The human body has always been something that has interested me and I would enjoy to learn how to prevent injuries, fix injuries, and how to keep yourself healthy. A job in sport seems like the only way for me to go and it does not look like being a professional athlete is an option. So naturally I guess the most probable, worthwhile, and enjoyable profession for me would have to be a job in the field of athletic training.
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