Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Reflecting and Researching

This whole blogging experience has been some what of a pleasant surprise to me. I did not think I would get much of anything out of doing a blog, but that seemed to not be the case. As time crawled on and I continued with my blogging I came to enjoy it. I began to learn new things about the field of athletic training while practicing writing in a blog style and researching. Not only did I learn a lot of new information about athletic training through the blogging process, but I also learned more about myself as a researcher. Blogging helped enhance my writing and communication skills while allowing me to learn more about myself as a researcher and athletic training. After looking over my blog posts I have compiled a few lists.

Top 3 Things I Learned About Athletic Training:
-Athletic trainers must be personable, caring, sensitive, toward their athletes
-Make sure practice facilities, weather, and other variables are safe for athletes to practice
-Remain calm and under control in all situations

Top 3 Things I Learned About Myself as a Researcher:
-Like to research things I have questions about
-Able to use different research engines to find information
-Know how to go about finding the appropriate information (key word searches, etc)

Questions That Remain About the Field of Athletic Training:
-How many athletic trainers are there in America?
-What are some more uncommon jobs in the field of athletic training?
-What is the highest paid job in the field of athletic training?
-What are the top colleges/universities for athletic training?
-What are the top graduate programs for athletic training?
-Who was the first female athletic trainer?
-Are there any other fields I can go into with a degree in athletic training?

Completing this blog has taught me more about myself and athletic training than I thought it ever would. I can definitely see myself using blogging in the future as a form of effective communication. This whole experience has opened my eyes to a new kind of communication that can be used to share and learn new and interesting information. I am glad that I had the opportunity to blog and better my communication skills.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post in my opinion. I think what you had to say about how you didn't think that you would get anything out of this blog can certainly apply to all of us, I know it can for me at least. I haven't actually read your blog yet this semester, and clearly I'm doing this very last minute, but I was interested in what you had to say. I played football, baseball, and wrestled all throughout high school and have had my fair share of visits to the AT's office, as well as witnessing some gruesome injuries on the field or on the mat. It takes quite the constitution to deal with some of the injuries that can happen in sports, even at a high school level. I think it's great that you're going into this program, especially since you get to stay in the world of sports at your future job. Since this is the last post I'm not going to ask any questions because I know none of will log back into our blogs after tomorrow; so I'll finish this comment off by saying, as an athlete, we can't thank you guys enough for what you do as athletic trainers, and best of luck with your career!
