Monday, April 15, 2013

Remixing Knowledge

I came across a website created by professional in the field of athletic training that focused in the different types of equipment used in sports. In order to critically read and respond to this website I used RAIDS. Here is what I got.

-what is safety?
-how to keep athletes most safe
-why do athletes put themselves in danger by wearing or not wearing certain equipment
-power of rules and regulations

-by sport
-boys and girls
-background information

-injuries connected to improper equipment or lack of
-boys sports more physical
-more pads = more contact/injury
-quality of equipment decreases over time



This website is aimed at athletic trainers and more closely athletes. The goal and purpose of this website is to keep athletes safest by providing them with up to date information on sports equipment. I feel that the website is successful in getting this necessary information across, but it ultimately comes down to what an athlete prefers when it comes to equipment. It is for this reason that I find it hard to say that this website is completely successful because it does not necessarily prevent injuries from happening.

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