Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Therapeutic Modalities

For this blog post I have chosen to focus on the topic of therapeutic modalities and how they are used. When used appropriately, therapeutic modalities can be an effective adjunct to therapeutic exercise.
Athletic trainers must know how and when therapeutic modalities may best be used. Here is more in depth information into therapeutic modalities.

Three Classifications:
1) Electromagnetic- energy travels at 300 million meters/sec in vacuum.
-electrical stimulating currents
-diathermy and lasers

2) Acoustic- relies on molecular collisions for energy transfer

3) Mechanical- mechanical strength, compress, and manipulation
-intermittent compression

Now, I will examine cryotherapy and thermotherapy a bit closer.
-application of cold
-an important part of the RICE treatment for first aid (rest, ice, compression, elevation)
-slowing injured cell's metabolism- less damage to the tissues which has decreased oxygen supply
-the longer the cold exposure, the deeper the cooling
-skin's response to cold
      stage 1-  cold sensation- 0-3 minutes after initiation
      stage 2- mild burning aching- 2-7 minutes after initiation
      stage 3- relative cutaneous anesthesia- 5-12 minutes after initiation
-heat has the capacity to increase the extensibility of collagen tissue
-muscle spasm caused by ischemia (lack of blood supply) can be relieved by heat
-transformed through
-from another energy form such as US, electricity, and chemical agents

Physiological response to Cryo/Thermotherapy
-metabolic rate- decrease, increase
-Edema-controversial, increase
-collagen elasticity-decrease, increase
-blood flow- decrease up to 10 minutes, increase
-capillary permeability-increase, increase
-pain perception- decrease, decrease

There is a more in depth look at therapeutic modalities and more specifically cryotherapy and thermotherpy. I hope you found this post to be helpful in allowing you to further your knowledge in the field of athletic training. These are two very effective types of therapy.

Work Cited
Knight, Kenneth L., and David O. Draper. "Critical Thinking and Therapeutic Modalities." Athletic Therapy Today 9.6 (2004): 28-9. ProQuest. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.

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